Vintage Cars & Bikes Steinfort 2024

This year again, AMAL had a stand at the Vintage Cars & Bikes. On Saturday, August the 3rd, we set up a small display of pre-war machines and also a pioneer machine from 1907 next to our tent in pleasant summer weather. One of our members even brought an old barrel organ that delighted both young and old with its six different melodies.

On Sunday, August 4th, it was time again for a motorcycle tour organized by AMAL, which was canceled last year due to bad weather. This year, it initially looked like a rainy tour, but the rain stopped shortly after the tour started at 1 PM from our stand. Under the leadership of Mike Koedinger, the participants rode about 60-70 kilometers through the country before returning to Steinfort around 3:30 PM.

AMAL thanks the organizers of this event and also the AMAL members who visited our stand over the weekend, especially those who lent a helping hand.

More photos from the weekend can be found in the gallery below:

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