AMAL ride to the 'Ons Heemecht am Krich'

The weekend of July 6th and 7th, the Quadriga, the Luxembourg Historic Military Vehicle Collectors, together with the Aernzdall community and the Waldbillig community, invited to their event "Ons Heemecht am Krich. 80 Joer duerno" (Our Homeland at War. 80 Years Later).

In Savelborn, at the Grewenhaff as well as at the Kelleschhaff, one could get an impression of what everyday life looked like for American and German soldiers 80 years ago and how the small village of Savelborn was situated in the midst of the war zone.

With military vehicles, one could be transported back and forth between the different sites. In Savelborn itself, the Quadriga, with great attention to detail, set up a field hospital, a dormitory, a US headquarters, a radio room, and a supply depot. Members of the Quadriga were on site to provide visitors with interesting explanations about the respective exhibits.

At the Grewenhaff, a bunker was reconstructed in a field, in which a group of Luxembourgish boys hid for a few months during wartime to escape German forced recruitment.

On Saturday, a few AMAL members gathered under the leadership of Pascal Petitjean to take a pleasant tour to Savelborn.

AMAL thanks the Quadriga for organizing this very enjoyable event, during which we all learned something new.

More pictures below in the gallery...

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